







Rene is a dedicated warrior-monk of the famed Knights Templar, a religious order whose mission to protect Christian pilgrims has degenerated into a power grab for wealth and influence in the Crusader Kingdom. Disillusioned by the corrupt motives of his superiors, Rene is nearly killed at the disastrous 1187 battle fought at the Horns of Hattin, which wipes out most of the Christian army. He is taken captive on the battlefield by brigands, but escapes and flees into the desert. Saved from starvation by Hasan, a mysterious Muslim traveler, he returns the favor when Hasan is attacked by outriders of Saladin's army. The two take refuge in an isolated oasis, the home of Soheila, widow of a Muslim warrior, and Soheila nurses the severely wounded Hasan back to health.迷情漩涡异形怪胎 2刘易斯探案 第二季实习医生风云 第七季初次见面,我爱你午夜心跳路德灵异侦探社第一季红房子水浒传之英雄本色女王的法医学尸活师3罪恶的杀戮忠贞第一季苏捷斯卡战役路西法第一季艺者对忍者哥斯拉2000抢救切尔诺贝利妈妈再爱我一次1988死亡回放迷失Z城洞2021剑行天下久违的问候修罗剑尊夜半一点钟007之俄罗斯之恋国语乡村囧爱全职杀手(国语版)异世界四重奏酷与惧:酷儿恐怖片的历史风流戏王族长老爹的葬礼2:孤注一掷双龙会唐人街探案旧日噩梦心咒不安全地带热爱奇妙博物馆 第三季米莉摆烂土豪也绅士新警察故事 (粤语版)春色漾荡赛马娘

