

主演:Pouria Rahimi Sam,Mino Sharifi,Hamed Alipour,Behafarid Ghaffarian,Naser Sajjadi Hosseini,Ghalem Sakhi Nazari,Latife Zousefi,Houtak Balouch






  The story opens in Balochistan, in a small, scarcely ‘wired’ village bordering Iran and Afghanistan. Ahmad is an idealistic teacher in exile, educating the local community; his partner Haseeba, however, has spent time in jail in Tehran for the very same offence against the State. The disaccord between them is not only social but also personal. Ahmad's destiny collides with that of a family fleeing the Taliban; soon the intricate divisions of age and gender within that group will trigger other problems and entanglements – including a 'lovers on the run' intrigue that fleetingly recalls Murnau's classic Tabu (1931).  Across all the arresting, shifting peripeteia of its plot, Abbas Amini's film deftly dramatises the complicated question of commitment: do we commit ourselves to a political cause, a set of religious beliefs, or a person? And how do we negotiate the commitments of others, even those closest to us, when they are based on a very different value system?  With its sparse music score, densely naturalistic acting and unostentatious camera work, Endless Borders is almost a minimalistic suspense thriller (with Hitchcockian overtones), combined with a heated family melodrama – but it never loses sight of the serious and extremely timely issues that it raises.  源自:https://iffr.com/en/iffr/2023/films/endless-borders群岛只是朋友跳出我天地脱轨男女兽王争锋之原石之力98古惑仔之龙争虎斗纯白的声音请随意对待微笑杀神 2023燃烧吧!天才程序员第三季横行天下红蝎子乡村爱情15葡萄庄园的圣诞节相机惊魂悟空之小圣传快进人生曼殊沙华密室大逃脱第五季大神版精灵宝可梦:就决定是你了未来的秘密南京,今夜请将我遗忘星月童话第六个嫌疑人猫腻少女初生我的死亡纪事黑林城堡之犬乡愁2022隋唐英雄传怨灵岛祖儿在旧金山龙王子第五季蝙蝠侠:大电影一只鸟仔哮啾啾美国星球卡戴珊家族第一季黑天鹅湖杜十娘K计划敢死队美丽青年全泰壹

