







  Many criminals made the mistake of underestimating Lieutenant Columbo, a homicide investigator with a crumpled trench-coat and a beat-up car, who certainly acted as an incompetent bumbler.  But he was so polite to every suspect, and he talked so much about his wife (who we never got to see on any episode, but who many believe later had her own show, starring Kate Mulgrew, later of Star Trek: Voyager fame) that he lulled even the shrewdest murderer into a false sense of security.  And although the audience had witnessed the murder in the beginning of each episode, it was still a surprise to see what mistakes the killers had made during the seemingly perfect murder.你好2022女人的武器夹心蛋糕老去(粤语版)一级方程式:疾速争胜第六季摇滚藏獒2016别岁绯闻女孩 第二季星际大逃亡超人2逃出黑社会的日子(国语版)靠近我一点卡戴珊家族第二季旧伤2014妻之告白男才女貌爱情故事2009一天到晚游泳的鱼卓娅维多利亚第一季战略高手神秘失踪的船归途(2018)天荒情未了驴皮公主没谈过恋爱的我能不离最好还是别离迷失的女孩一锤定音春满东方兔年兔奋·东方卫视春节晚会听见天堂合租男女远方将界81号农场之疯狂的麦咭浩九的爱情巨齿鲨(原声版)喋血边城一出大戏世界尽头的一场谋杀脱单倒计时

