Kukira Kau Rumah








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Pram is a lonely young man, who hasn’t received any love from his parents. He filled his void by composing good songs that no one listens to. One day, Pram who works in a music cafe, for him to able to get a gig, meets and gets acquainted with Niskala, someone who is different from other women Niskala also really heard him, but Pram didn’t know that Niskala is a PWB (People with Bipolar). However, since Pram became close to Niskala, Niskala broke all the rules she made with Mela, her mother. Everything felt right until the moment when Pram saw Niskala was given a sedative by her mother and friends, and Pram also found out that all this time, Niskala had been secretly carrying out her social activities and achieving her goals behind her protective father’s back.姐妹兄弟难以置信2018秦时明月之万里长城健身世界 第三季时光扇特雷弗·诺亚:派翠莎是我老妈开心乐园失落的海盗王国闯将守护月天绿野快枪手巢穴曼道还魂网走番外地完美杀手之家秦淮悲歌人怕出名猪怕壮福宝和爷爷守护2014小镇谜团我要你平凡第八感暗鬥山村会计狼烟遍地相亲对象是老板危险的停车场丁丁历险记双雄会(上集)山丘群斗乾元苍穹嚎叫2010追逐繁星的孩子国语朱迪2019来日可期悬日特洛伊2004欢迎光临一人客栈

