








恋爱专家 剧照 NO.1恋爱专家 剧照 NO.2恋爱专家 剧照 NO.3恋爱专家 剧照 NO.4恋爱专家 剧照 NO.5恋爱专家 剧照 NO.6恋爱专家 剧照 NO.13恋爱专家 剧照 NO.14恋爱专家 剧照 NO.15恋爱专家 剧照 NO.16恋爱专家 剧照 NO.17恋爱专家 剧照 NO.18恋爱专家 剧照 NO.19恋爱专家 剧照 NO.20


陆笙与多年损友大华、琪琪一起经营着一家名为“告白排球”的恋爱工作室,工作室负责为客户制定周密计划帮助其追到心上人。可是公司经营惨淡,从没有过一次成功案例,就在三人一筹莫展工作室即将关门倒闭的时候,走进了一位特别的客人,这个人要追求的女孩竟然是陆笙的初恋女友刘莹莹,满怀着对初恋的思念与不舍的陆笙迫于生计最终不情愿的接下来这桩生意,但执行时处处阻拦和刁难,就在最后陆笙下定决心并且用真心成功的追回了自己的初恋情人刘莹莹。当陆笙以为自己的公司彻底破产准备带着刘莹莹离开的时候突然发现账户里面多出了50万元……猫女:猎捕蓝宝石指环宽松世代又如何SP:纯米吟酿纯情篇乐队我做东 第2季学园救援团夺宝乌龙院圆明园2006的士神探咫尺情仇凶间疑影我的人格合租屋錘子與鐮刀1994杀人的夏天金秋桂花迟杀手派对献给天堂的比赛动态漫画·逆天邪神第二季破门:两个疫病神昭和元禄落语心中教室的那一间 第二季跟哥哥走玛雅:九把钥匙小主安康-宠物医院3快递高手中学圣日记烈火金钢不留痕迹克罗地亚最后一个塞族人鱼缸2009涉足荒野2014拉莫 第一季亲爱的大卫2023美国版单身请开眼小小巨人遥遥乡愁女王与国家高楼惊魂泡菜奶酪微笑无人机2012纸袋头2023不亦乐乎铁鹰战士青龙复仇奇遇·人间角落


 1 ) Alex "Hitch" Hitchens

Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.
Often falsely attributed George Carlin, American comedian[citation needed]
Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.
Begin each day like it was on purpose.
So how does it happen, great love? Nobody knows... but what I can tell you is that it happens in the blink of an eye. One moment you're enjoying your life, and the next you're wondering how you ever lived without them.
Basic Principles - no woman wakes up saying "God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today!" Now, she might say "This is a really bad time for me," or something like "I just need some space," or my personal favorite "I'm really into my career right now." You believe that? Neither does she. You know why? 'Cause she's lying to you, that's why. You understand me? Lying! It's not a bad time for her. She doesn't need any space. And she may be into her career, but what she's really saying is "Uh, get away from me now," or possibly "Try harder, stupid," but which one is it? 60% of all human communication is nonverbal body language; 30% is your tone, so that means 90% of what you're saying ain't coming out of your mouth. Of course she's going to lie to you! She's a nice person! She doesn't want to hurt your feelings! What else she going to say? She doesn't even know you... yet. Luckily, the fact is that just like the rest of us, even a beautiful woman doesn't know what she wants until she sees it, and that's where I come in. My job is to open her eyes. Basic Principles - no matter what, no matter when, no matter who... any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet; he just needs the right broom.
No guile, no game... No girl
[to Albert after his dancing exhibition] Don't need no pizza. They've got food there.
[to Albert] One dance, one look, one kiss, that's all we get, Albert. Just one shot, to make the difference between "happily ever after" and “Oh? He’s just some guy I went to some thing with once.”
Because that's what people do. They leap, and hope to God they can fly, because otherwise you just drop like a rock, wondering the whole way down, why in the *hell* did I jump? But here I am, Sarah, falling, and there's only one person who makes me feel like I can fly... That's you.
I'm a guy. Since when do we get anything right the first time?
I'm like a vault baby, locked down!
Don't...ever...do that again!
I saw that going differently in my mind.
[last lines] Basic principles - there are none.

 2 ) 我不过渴望浪漫致死

喜欢这剧扮八卦女记者的eva,虽然有些胖,但大眼睛,深色皮肤,却看来是聪明的。也许现代的人真是太自我保护了,小心翼翼如履薄冰,皆是缺乏了安全感的表现。但,饶是这样也免不了在不起眼处受暗伤,so,you can never be too protected.

 3 ) 轻松搞笑幽默


 4 ) 英文字幕

sweep off the feet 神魂颠倒
right broom 扫把;扫帚
new broom
to fix something to something else with a rope, a hook, etc. 拴住;套住;钩住 VN ~ sth (to sth)
Idiom: get hitched informal
to get married 结婚

fluid concept
a person, especially a child, who behaves badly 没有规矩的人;(尤指)顽童 n
slept in 懒觉 迟起
come in handy
overwrought behavior
very worried and upset; excited in a nervous way 过度紧张的;过分忧烦的;紧张激动的

busty brunette
of a woman 女子 having large breasts 胸部丰满的
sip my mai tais
A cocktail based on light rum,curaçao, and fruit juices

short game短期利益
hit on woman
due 快生了
lime wedges
A person who is trained to do medical work, esp. emergency first aid, but is not usually a fully qualified physician

late bloomer
100% referral
thus far
until now; up to this point 到目前为止;迄今为止;到这点为止
guy is bum
a lazy person who does nothing for other people or for society 懒汉;游手好闲者 inf

swing for the fence
flat-out 头坏了

board room
let them marinate
if you marinate food or it marinates, you soak it in a marinade before cooking it 腌,浸泡(食物);(食物)腌,浸泡
great tipper 慷慨给小费
glass getting low 酒杯空了
took the liberty of bring you a glass of wind 自作主张
fuck off 滚犊子
x factor未知因素
lingerie ====longzheri
southern 热情的
snap back 回到过去 很快恢复
wince cry beg畏缩避开
to suddenly make an expression with your face that shows that you are feeling pain or embarrassment (因痛苦或尴尬)龇牙咧嘴,皱眉蹙额

perseverance =>obnoxious
extremely unpleasant, especially in a way that offends people 极讨厌的;可憎的;令人作呕的

used to represent the sound of a sudden loud hit or a gun being fired (突然的重击或枪声)嘭,,呯 informal
used to show that something happens very suddenly (表示突然)蓦地 i

sack up a diaper
hop on with you
sitting ducks坐以待毙
A person or thing with no protection against an attack or other source of danger

scoot back
to go or leave somewhere in a hurry 疾行;匆匆离去

male egos
ship's manifest 名册
a list of goods or passengers on a ship or an aircraft (船或飞机的)货单,旅客名单

inspector's ledger
a book in which a bank, a business, etc. records the money it has paid and received 收支总账;分类账簿;分户账簿

ethnic enclaves
A portion of territory within or surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct

a long absence 久违的

wanted poster
a train wreck a car, plane, etc. that has been very badly damaged in an accident (事故中)遭严重毁坏的汽车(或飞机等)

did it with flair
a natural ability to do something well 天资;天赋;天分 singular uncountable ~ for sth
a quality showing the ability to do things in an interesting and imaginative way 才华;资质

desirable traitthat you would like to have or do; worth having or doing 想望的;可取的;值得拥有的;值得做的

slammed 猛烈抨击
non-sleazy way
of a place 地方 dirty, unpleasant and not socially acceptable 肮脏的;污秽的;乌烟瘴气的;藏污纳垢的 informal
of people 人 immoral and unpleasant 不正派的;道德败坏的;堕落的;卑鄙的

classy 有风度的
new installation展品
A drink made from a mixture of beaten eggs, cream, and flavorings, often with alcohol

sign off on all big relationship desicion
sign off on something

drop me off at home
fiddling with my keys
limpid pools of desire

sheepdog kind of way
he's adorable
glutton for punishment
pay you back 报复
compliment of our chef
name-drop and dish friends

endearing 可爱的
food allergy 重音在前
good on the rocks加冰更美味
vault 保险库房
a room with thick walls and a strong door, especially in a bank, used for keeping valuable things safe (尤指银行的)金库,保险库

fort knox
of a building 建筑物 to be strongly built, often with many locks, strong doors, guards, etc., so that it is difficult for people to enter and the things kept there are safe 坚固且戒备森严;固若金汤

see the forest through sleaze
dishonest, immoral or illegal behaviour, especially by politicians (尤指政治家的)舞弊,丑行,违法行为 uncountable British English
behaviour or conditions that are immoral, unpleasant and not socially acceptable 堕落;污秽;肮脏;乌烟瘴气 uncountable
a dishonest or immoral person 奸徒;卑鄙的人;下流坯

innate protective thing
give her mouth to mouth 人工呼吸
got over it 释怀
gliding along 滑翔

rain, snow, etc. that falls; the amount of this that falls 降水,降水量(包括雨、雪、冰等) uncountable technical
a chemical process in which solid material is separated from a liquid 沉淀;淀析

morning person 早起的人
affectionate and sweet
showing caring feelings and love for somebody 表示关爱的

boldface caption
a thick dark typeface 黑体;粗体

typeface /ˈtaɪpfeɪs/ DJ /'taɪpˈfes/ KK
a set of letters, numbers, etc. of a particular design, used in printing (印刷用的)字体

all this for a lousy lay 不爽的一炮

speed-dating 8分钟约会
a sight for sore eyes
a person or thing that you are pleased to see; something that is very pleasant to look at 喜欢见到的人(或物);赏心悦目的事物

do it if you not snarling
使(交通等)堵塞 H (

get a cleaver
a heavy knife with a broad blade, used for cutting large pieces of meat 砍肉刀;剁肉刀

the gong
a round piece of metal that hangs in a frame and makes a loud deep sound when it is hit with a stick.Gongs are used as musical instruments or to give signals, for example that a meal is ready. 锣

it's lame差劲
so be it. used to show that you accept something and will not try to change it or cannot change it (表示完全接受)就那样好了

hit a titty bar
A strip club is a nightclub or bar where striptease is regularly performed, and possibly other related acts such as lap dancing.

scam artist
a clever and dishonest plan for making money 欺诈;诈财骗局

off the record 私下讨论
that's a relief 解脱
without a chute 树特

put him up to the inhaler
a small device containing medicine that you breathe in through your mouth, used by people who have problems with breathing 吸入器(吸药用)
he chuck it
to throw something away 扔掉;丢弃;抛弃

drive a stick开手动挡。

 5 ) Basic principle is there are none

在室友的推荐下,看完了这部嘻皮的片子。心情放松好多,原先的阴霾不知不觉中就成了云淡风清。看来,郁闷的时候换着看看轻喜剧还是不错的。似乎Smith的片子总是这样合眼缘。不管是Man in Black,还是Independence Day,都是那种调调:上座,好看,但离经典总有段道不明的距离。也许他需要一个更能出彩的角色,才能让我们将他和经典联系在一起吧。

生活和爱情时常需要些小把戏来解解乏、消消困。或多或少需要这么些古灵精怪的小手腕。有些人天生就是各中好手,更多的则需要后天的勤奋学习。Hitch只是善用所长来帮助那些无助的人,也帮助自己回避心酸的往事。(不知道收费高不,俺也需要帮助啊)幸运的是,正因为Basic principle is there are none,爱情才总能给我们留下无限的想象。灰姑娘的故事才能找到现实版。如果哪天连爱情也能归于tech的范畴,当网络上动不动就贴着love star top 10的招贴画,当书店里到处充斥着《24小时谈情说爱从入门到精通》、《essential full in love》和《love pattern》等打折处理的“技术书”时,我们的感情是不是也将跟着折扣降呢 *^_^*

1、台词:Life is not enough breathe you take; it's the moments that take your breath away.

 6 ) 不仅是教学片

本片由威尔·史密斯主演,他饰演的Alex Hitch是一个恋爱专家,专门指导男性如何俘获女性的欢心,他的一句名言是“life is not how many breaths you take, it's how many moments take your breath away.”
首先,本片在开场给无数恋爱失败或者从未成功过的平凡男性们一股强心剂,Mr. Hitch告诉大家,世界上没有女人看不上的男人,只有看不上自己的男人。男人在坠入爱河时候由于过分迫切的想得到对方好感而时常弄巧成拙,对此恋爱专家有一套详细的理论和实践标准,此片宛若恋爱教学片贯穿始末,令人叹为观止的悉心设计和技巧,那样的浪漫气氛不敢相信哪个女人能够抗拒。深深的感叹自己的水平差了不知多少个档次。印象最深的,对我来说有指导意义的有“如果她同意和你约会,那就不用费心如何让她喜欢上你了,你要做的就是尽力不要把一切搞砸。” 还有就是那炉火纯青的欲擒故纵之术,以酒吧钓女主角那一段为范本,实在是高。在本片中他的主要客户是一个把一切都弄得一团糟,傻乎乎毫无亮点深深自卑的胖男人,最后他也和一个腰缠万贯的卡梅隆·迪亚兹级别的女人终成眷属,男同胞们要有信心。话说那个女角的扮演者Amber Valletta长的真像卡梅隆·迪亚兹啊。
不过记住,一定要真爱+诚意+细心+技巧,才能美梦成真。这也是Mr. Hitch要告诉我们的。




  • 开花的刺
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结局好烂- -

  • 不要闹了好吗
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  • KID
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  • 夏日的小西瓜
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  • 米粒
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很早前看过的,,怎么豆瓣评分还不低。。以Will Smith为噱头的无聊片

  • Chandelier
  • 较差


  • 国产凌凌期
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  • 方枪枪
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  • 奔跑忘记忧伤
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  • 艾晨
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  • 恶魔奶爸Sam
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Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.

  • 知名灯厂厂花
  • 力荐


  • funny_vee
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  • 居北望南 9¾
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  • shininglove
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  • mon babe
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  • 战国客
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  • 阿提斯
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  • 眼角的花朵
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开场挺好,后面落入俗套。Will Smith真是超级有魅力啊。只是不喜欢门德斯。

  • mOco
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